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Cleanfire New Logo 03132019.png

Clean Fire 


Cleanfire New Logo 03132019.png

Plant the seed of longevity with
Clean Fire Diesel Fuel Additive

Discover & capture the cost savings of benefits of Clean Fire on every acre!

Why Clean Fire?  

Don't sell yourself short when buying any additive! Get your value with a highly concentrated additive blended with the ingredients needed to improve equipment operability, longevity and profitability.


American Fuels Need an American Fuel Additive


Signature Product

Clean Fire is available to you in a variety of sizes based on the application need and consumption rates.

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7,040 FL. OZ. 55 Gallons Treats 88,000 Gal.

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32 FL. OZ. (1 Quart) Treats 400 Gal.

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160 FL. OZ. 1.25 Gallon Treats 2000 Gal.

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320 FL. OZ. 2.5 Gallon Treats 4000 Gal.

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Every Piece Of Our Product Is Proudly Produced Here In America!

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Fuel Additive Chemical Blend

Blended in United States of AMERICA

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Boxes, Bottles, Caps, Tape, Dividers

Formed, molded, gassed & glued in United States of AMERICA

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Label designs artwork & Banner Printing 

Designed and produced in United States of AMERICA

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Word of mouth, websites, trade shows and end users. Its that good!

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Brought to you by Global Energy Research & Development Inc.

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business stationed here in the United States of America


The Why!

Understated the reason why Clean Fire was created and the story that surrounds it!

Educate yourself about problems with todays fuels and the costly effects associated with consuming them without proper preventative maintenance 

Clean Fire is an ALL IN ONE Blend 

Meaning you get it IT ALL for a great price!

The Clean Package

 Water & Microbial Contamination Control

 Use Safe Water Disbursement 

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In order to reduce fuel delivery failures it is important to remove water contamination. High levels of water in diesel will lead to early fuel icing "Gelling" of fuel filters in early winter months, reducing the levels of water contamination will greatly hinder microbial contamination.   

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Carbon Detergents 

Safely Remove Carbon Deposits 

Using a safe carbon detergent is key to maintaining a clean deposit free combustion chamber, valves, rings & fuel delivery system. Having a clean engine allows for a more efficient compression ignition.

O-ring & Seal Conditioner 

Keep Elasticity in your Fuel Pump Seals

Utilizing a O-ring & seal conditioner provides protection from diesel fuels ability to dry and damage O-rings & seals throughout the fuel delivery system.

Use Clean Fire this harvest, make it to the next! 

Use less fuel, replace fewer injectors, prevent excessive fuel filter replacements. Save harvest time.  

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Finding Your Way to Clean Fire Agriculture

Get in touch with Chuck Neff Clean Fire Distributor



Dresden, Kansas 67635

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Try A Bottle Today 
Experience Veteran Grade  

Our Valued Dealers

Supplying Premium Quality 

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The Fire Package

Cetane Improver

Improve Compression Ignition 

Increasing the Cetane Value of diesel fuel up to its prime saturation point will allow for diesel fuel to ignite at a lower compression ignition temperatures, thus improving cold weather start ups, hard accelerations, and substandard performing diesel fuel. 

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Cold Flow Improver (ANTI-GEL)

Don't Get Stuck In Dangerous Conditions

Using a strong cold flow / anti-gel improver is necessary to keep diesel equipment operating in sub freezing temperatures. Clean Fire will limit how well paraffin wax can attach to one another when traveling through the fuel delivery systems. 

Snow Removal Truck

Combustion modifiers 

Burn Diesel Fuel Efficiently 

Generating a complete burn of the fuel used in the compression ignition process before the end of the stroke is key to fuel efficiency. Combustion modifiers improve the way in which some diesel fuel is consumed reducing the amount of carbon contamination sent to EGR's & DPF systems. 



Keep The Meat On The Sleaves

Without lubricity you won't get very far. Protect the vital high stress areas such as piston rings, piston sleave and fuel pump internals from excessive and premature wear. Keep a tight piston ring gap or tolerance to the piston sleave in order to prevent excessive fuel usage and oil contamination! 

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The Clean Package

 Water & Microbial Contamination Control

 Use Safe Water Disbursement 

In order to reduce fuel delivery failures it is important to remove water contamination. High levels of water in diesel will lead to early fuel icing "Gelling" of fuel filters in early winter months, reducing the levels of water contamination will greatly hinder microbial contamination.   

Carbon Detergents 

Safely Remove Carbon Deposits 

Using a safe carbon detergent is key to maintaining a clean deposit free combustion chamber, valves, rings & fuel delivery system. Having a clean engine allows for a more efficient compression ignition.

O-ring & Seal Conditioner 

Keep Elasticity in your Fuel Pump Seals

Utilizing a O-ring & seal conditioner provides protection from diesel fuels ability to dry and damage O-rings & seals throughout the fuel delivery system.

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Clean Fire is an ALL IN ONE Blend 

Meaning you get it IT ALL for a great price!
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The Fire Package

Cetane Improver

Improve Compression Ignition 

Increasing the Cetane Value of diesel fuel up to its prime saturation point will allow for diesel fuel to ignite at a lower compression ignition temperatures, thus improving cold weather start ups, hard accelerations, and substandard performing diesel fuel. 

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Cold Flow Improver (ANTI-GEL)

Don't Get Stuck In Dangerous Conditions

Using a strong cold flow / anti-gel improver is necessary to keep diesel equipment operating in sub freezing temperatures. Clean Fire will limit how well paraffin wax can attach to one another when traveling through the fuel delivery systems. 

Combustion modifiers 

Burn Diesel Fuel Efficiently 

Generating a complete burn of the fuel used in the compression ignition process before the end of the stroke is key to fuel efficiency. Combustion modifiers improve the way in which some diesel fuel is consumed reducing the amount of carbon contamination sent to EGR's & DPF systems. 



Keep The Meat On The Sleaves

Without lubricity you won't get very far. Protect the vital high stress areas such as piston rings, piston sleave and fuel pump internals from excessive and premature wear. Keep a tight piston ring gap or tolerance to the piston sleave in order to prevent excessive fuel usage and oil contamination! 

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Snow Removal Truck
Snow Removal Truck

The Cleaning Package

 Water & Microbial Contamination Control

 Use Safe Water Disbursement 

In order to reduce fuel delivery failures it is important to remove water contamination. High levels of water in diesel will lead to early fuel icing "Gelling" of fuel filters in early winter months, reducing the levels of water contamination will greatly hinder microbial contamination.   

Carbon Detergents 

Safely Remove Carbon Deposits 

Using a safe carbon detergent is key to maintaining a clean deposit free combustion chamber, valves, rings & fuel delivery system. Having a clean engine allows for a more efficient compression ignition.

O-ring & Seal Conditioner 

Keep Elasticity in your Fuel Pump Seals

Utilizing a O-ring & seal conditioner provides protection from diesel fuels ability to dry and damage O-rings & seals throughout the fuel delivery system.

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Clean Fire is an ALL IN ONE Blend 

Meaning you get it IT ALL for a great price!
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